Vision, Mission and Goals
A superior study program and a reference in the development of the Office Administration Education discipline through the Tri Dharma College activity.
- Organizing higher education to produce professional and quality human resources in the field of Office Administration Education
- Carrying out research and development of knowledge to produce superior academic work and become a reference in the field of Office Administration
- Providing services to the community through the application of science and technology in the field of Office Administration
- Organizing institutional cooperation with various parties to improve the quality and performance of study programs
- Developing communication networks with alumni
- Organizing organization, management and administration based on the principles of sustainability and accountability.
Field of Educational Development, Teaching and Student Affairs
- Producing graduates who are professional in planning, implementing and analyzing the field of Office Administration studies
- Increasing the internal quality of lecturer resources in the field of Office Administration
- Developing an Office Administration education curriculum that is responsive to change and in line with the vision, mission and goals so as to produce alumni who are professional in the field of office administration
- Increasing the quality of the teaching and learning process to form a professional alumni personality in the field of office administration
- Development of a monitoring and evaluation system for alumni in working in the community
Research Development Sector
- Produce theoretical studies in the context of developing new concepts, paradigms, approaches, methods, techniques, and strategies in the field of office administration.
- He produced excellent research works in the field of Office Administration which could become a guiding sector for community development
- Development of a documentation system about activities, work, resources and progress information of the Administration Education Study Program. Pioneered and developed the Office Administration Study Center with a focus on developing Office Administration teacher education
Field of Community Service
- Can make a real contribution in implementing the vision and mission of the Office Administration Study Program
- The establishment of cooperation between study programs and government and private institutions in a planned and sustainable manner
- The increased ability of the resources for the implementation of activities, the implementation of community service, especially the development of Office Administration education teachers
- Increased public understanding of the duties and functions of the Office Administration Education Study Program with a concentration on the development of office administration education.
- The increasing role of the Office Administration Education Study Program in helping the government realize smart, prosperous and useful students.
Field of Institutional Cooperation Development
- Implementing institutional cooperation with various parties to obtain superior programs and various types of grants
- Implementing institutional cooperation with various parties, to obtain development funds in the Office Administration Education Study Program.
- Implementing institutional cooperation with various internal and external parties in developing management information systems
Alumni Development
- The formation of a strong Office Administration Education alumni association for the scope of departments and study programs.
- The functioning of the Office Administration Education alumni association
- The development of alumni organizations to the city and district levels
- The increasing role of alumni in building the image of the Office Administration Education Study Program
Field of Institutional Development
- Increased institutional functions in the Office Administration Education study program
- Increasing the quality of the management system of the Office Administration Education study program
- Increased educational management system education administration
- Increasing the quantity and quality of facilities and infrastructure for administrative, academic and student activities
- Increased accountability of study program management
- Implementing a comprehensive self-evaluation periodically and continuously
- Increasing the quality of management of education, research and community service, especially those concentrating on developing office administration education.