Dr. Anusuiya Subramaniam explained Global Leadership in front of UM and UPM students (19/2/2024)

Malang, 21 February 2024 — In this Student Inbound Mobility Putra Aram Liliuran Universiti Putra Malaysia with UM, Dr. Anusuiya Subramaniam, an esteemed academic and renowned expert in the field of business and economics and also a senior lecturer in UPM, will be delivering an International Guest Lecture on February 19th, 2024 at Universitas Negeri Malang. This lecture discusses leadership with the theme “Leading in a Borderless World: Understanding and Mastering Global Leadership.” With her rich background and notable contributions to the field, Dr. Subramaniam brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the lecture. The significance of international guest lectures in business and economics, Universitas Negeri Malang’s commitment to global academic engagement, the key topics that will be explored in the lecture, and provides answers to frequently asked questions.

International guest lectures play a crucial role in promoting global perspectives in education. They provide an opportunity for educators and students to engage with experts from around the world, encouraging the exchange of ideas and fostering international collaborations. The insights gained from such lectures can facilitate innovation and enhance the quality of education in respective institutions.

Universitas Negeri Malang is dedicated to fostering global academic engagement. With a strong history and vision, the university has established itself as a center of excellence in education. Its commitment to international collaboration is evident through various initiatives and programs promoting academic exchanges.

The university believes in the value of international perspectives and actively seeks partnerships with universities and scholars worldwide. Through these collaborations, Universitas Negeri Malang aims to enhance its academic offerings, expose students to diverse cultures, and provide a global learning environment that prepares graduates for future challenges.

QnA session with Dr. Anusuiya Subramaniam (19/2/2024)

At guest lectures, Dr. Anusuiya conveys a variety of important topics regarding the definition, importance, characteristics, challenges, and strategies of global leadership. Global leadership is the process of influencing and inspiring the thinking, attitudes & behaviors of a worldwide community to work together synergistically toward a shared vision & common goals. To have global leadership skills, we must have a global mindset, including the ability to work effectively & comfortably in different cultural environments with diverse populations. We must hone our intellectual, social, and psychological skills to develop our global mindset.

The topic of international guest lectures is very important because we have entered the era of globalization. That is why Global leadership is crucial for navigating the complexities of an interconnected world, especially in business and economic affairs. Effective global leadership can also contribute to the success and sustainability of organizations. It can also enhance the ability to adapt to different business practices & norms.

Dr. Anusuiya also explains the characteristics of global leadership. These characteristics include cultural sensitivity, global communication, agility, vision, and team empowerment. To have the ability of global leadership, Dr. Anusuiya also explained that students must have a strategy to have the ability of global leadership. These strategies include building cultural awareness, effective communication, leveraging technology, and establishing a global mindset.

From this international guest lecture, students can get new insights about the role of global leadership. Through this event, UM and UPM also hope that students can overcome challenges in a global context, including cultural differences & time zone differences, enable leaders to build resilience & cohesive teams, and foster success in a globalized world.

Written By: Septia Rosita Dewi, Kalimatussa’diyah Putri Anggraini, Defrina Eka Orchidta Ramadina

Editor: Sheila Febriani Putri, S.Pd., M.Pd.