Malang, February 20, 2024 – Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Negeri Malang held an Indonesian cultural introductory activity for Universiti Putra Malaysia students. On the second day of Inbound Mobility Putra Aram Liliaran UPM and UM, UPM students were introduced to Indonesian culture and language by Mr. Nanang Syaiful Rohman S.S, M.A. Mr. Nanang is an instructor at BIPA UM (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers).

Carrying the theme ”Introduction to Indonesian Language and Culture”, this activity aims to introduce Indonesian culture for Universiti Putra Malaysia students who are currently at Universitas Negeri Malang. Mr. Nanang as the speaker managed to make the atmosphere of material exposure to be fun and happy. 

At this event, Mr. Nanang explained the material about the pantun. Pantun itself has become part of the culture of Indonesia and Malaysia. At the event, Pak Nanang taught UPM students about Indonesian pantun and explained the difference between Indonesian and Malaysian pantun. Pantun itself is a non-object heritage that has been recognized by UNESCO. This cultural similarity is the uniqueness of Indonesia’s bilateral relations with Malaysia. 

Not only that, FEB UM also introduced Malangan Mask Dance as a traditional dance from Malang. The Tari Topeng Malangan taught to UPM students is Bapeng Dance. Kak Anugrah Widianata Susma Wijaya or familiar in Kak Anugrah Wijaya from Alim Tari is the one who teaches dance from Bapang Dance. UM and UPM students are very excited to follow the directions and dance moves of the instructor. 

With the SDGs theme “Maximizing SDGs 4 and 8: Fostering Global Diversity and Creativity in Student Skills Through Education”, UM and FEB really hope with this activity, the relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia is getting closer. Especially in strengthening research collaboration and higher education. 

Writer: Septia Rosita Dewi, Kalimatussa’diyah Putri Anggraini, Defrina Eka Orchidta Ramadina

Editor: Sheila Febriani Putri, S.Pd., M.Pd.