Hi Everyone! In your opinion, how important is the role of students in caring for the environment? But, in fact there are still many students who are apathetic. Well, what do you do then? ?

For those of you who really like to discuss and convey your opinions in a forum, don't forget to follow the ✨Smart Management Discussion✨ which carries the theme
"Looking for the Right Medicine for the Personality of Student Apathy" with the speakers, Mrs. Yana Respati Dewi, SE, MM & Agastya Harda Garda Nusa on:

? Thursday, September 03, 2020
⏰ 18.30 WIB

~ OVO balance door prizes
~ E-Certificate
~ Useful knowledge

Registration is FREE and OPEN FOR PUBLIC on 20 August - 31 August 2020 with the following requirements:
1. Follow IG @hmjmnj_um
2. Fill in the google form: https://forms.gle/MJRpo4YgMU5a3DsUA

Save the date and don't forget to register! See you ???

For more information :
?Instagram: @hmjmnj_um
? Email: managementweekum@gmail.com
☎️ Contact Person:
Eidho (08233403804)
Uun (085203036420)

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