- Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics (FE) State University of Malang (UM), Friday 22 - Sunday 24 September 2917, held a workshop on editing and reviewing scientific journal articles. The event was held at Ijen Suits Hotel, Malang with three speakers. First, Dr. Drs. Djuwari, M.Hum from STIE Perbanas Surabaya, and also the President of the International Association of Scholarly Publishers, Editors, and Reviewers (IASPER). The second and third speakers were Roni Herdianto, ST., MT., And Aji Prasetya Wibawa, ST., MT., Ph.D, from UM.
The event was opened by the Head of the Accounting Department (Kajur) Dr. Nurika Restuningdiah, SE., M.Si. Ak., CA., and also a speech by Dr. Sri Pujiningsih, SE., M.Si. Ak. Manager of Actual Accountancy Journal (JAA) FE, UM. "This event is to improve the JAA management process and at the same time share related strategies for editing and reviewing the Open Journal System (OJS) pattern." Said the Head of Accounting, Nurika Restuningdiah. In this event, Djuwari was specially invited to provide management of scientific journals and how to edit and review articles.
Djuwari gave various examples of his experiences as an editor and reviewer of international scientific journals. He also provides examples and practices for editing articles in Indonesian. English and Indonesian artkels have the same problem in terms of editing. As for reviewing, one journal can be different from another, especially questions in the review form. In international journals, according to Djuwari's experience, the questions are more numerous and detailed, while domestic journals tend to be fewer.
"We at the Actual Accounting Journal (JAA) try to improve the quality of the process of editing and reviewing articles. We are determined to always improve journal management by sharing so we can share experiences. " Urai Sri Pujiningsih, the manager of the JAA and the chairman of this workshop.
Everyone involved in administering the JAA was present in the workshop for three days while reviewing articles that had been submitted. In the future, JAA activities and management are expected to continue to become a scientific journal until the accreditation stage process. The effort for this workshop activity is a manifestation of the determination to make JAA a mainstay journal in the Accounting Department of FE, UM. (dwr).